Types of controls

The following sections introduce the types of controls you can add to a Window or other container element (panel or group). For details of the properties and functions, and of how to create each type of element, see Control object constructors.


These are types of Control objects which are contained in windows, and which contain and group other controls.


Typically used to visually organize related controls.

  • Set the text property to define a title that appears at the top of the panel.

  • An optional borderStyle creation property controls the appearance of the border drawn around the panel.

You can use panels as separators: those with width of 0 appear as vertical lines and those with height of 0 appear as horizontal lines:

var dlg = new Window( "dialog", "Alert Box Builder" );
dlg.msgPnl = dlg.add( "panel", [ 25, 15, 355, 130 ], "Messages" );


Used to visually organize related controls. Unlike Panels, Groups have no title or visible border. You can use them to create hierarchies of controls, and for fine control over layout attributes of certain groups of controls within a larger panel. For examples, see Creating more complex arrangements.


A panel that contains only Tab objects as its immediate children. It has a selection property that contains the currently active Tab child. When the value of the selection property changes, either by a user selecting a different tab, or by a script setting the property, the TabbedPanel receives an onChange notification.

The title property provides an optional label; the titleLayout property places the label within the panel.


A general container whose parent is a TabbedPanel, with a selectable tab showing a localizable text value. Its size and position are determined by the parent.

User-interface controls

These are types of Control objects that are contained in windows, panels, and groups, and that provide specific kinds of display and user interaction. Control instances are created by passing the corresponding type keyword to the add() method of a Window or container; see Control types and creation parameters.

These examples do not set bounds explicitly on creation, because it is often more useful to set a preferred size, then allow the layout manager to set the bounds; see Automatic layout.


Typically used to initiate some action from a window when a user clicks the button; for example, accepting a dialog’s current settings, canceling a dialog, bringing up a new dialog, and so on.

  • Set the text property to assign a label to identify a Button’s function.

  • The onClick callback method provides behavior.

var dlg = new Window( "dialog", "Alert Box Builder" );
dlg.btnPnl = dlg.add( "panel", undefined, "Build it" );
dlg.btnPnl.testBtn = dlg.btnPnl.add( "button", undefined, "Test" );
dlg.btnPnl.buildBtn = dlg.btnPnl.add( "button", undefined, "Build", { name: "ok" } );
dlg.btnPnl.cancelBtn = dlg.btnPnl.add( "button", undefined, "Cancel", { name: "cancel" } );


A button that displays an icon, with or without a text label. Like a text button, typically initiates an action in response to a click.

  • The image property identifies the icon image; see Displaying images.

  • The title or text property provides an optional label; the titleLayout property places the label with respect to the image.

  • The onClick callback method provides behavior.


Displays an iconic image.

  • The image property identifies the icon image; see Displaying images.

  • The title property provides an optional label; the titleLayout property places the label with respect to the image.


Typically used to display text strings that are not intended for direct manipulation by a user, such as informative messages or labels.

This example creates a Panel and adds several StaticText elements:

var dlg = new Window( "dialog", "Alert Box Builder" );
dlg.msgPnl = dlg.add( "panel", undefined, "Messages" );
dlg.msgPnl.titleSt = dlg.msgPnl.add( "statictext", undefined, "Alert box title:" );
dlg.msgPnl.msgSt = dlg.msgPnl.add( "statictext", undefined, "Alert message:" );


Allows users to enter text, which is returned to the script when the dialog is dismissed. Text in EditText elements can be selected, copied, and pasted.

  • Set the text property to assign the initial displayed text in the element, and read it to obtain the current text value, as entered or modified by the user.

  • Set the textselection property to replace the current selection with new text, or to insert text at the cursor (insertion point). Read this property to obtain the current selection, if any.

This example adds some EditText elements, with initial values that a user can accept or replace:

var dlg = new Window( "dialog", "Alert Box Builder" );
dlg.msgPnl = dlg.add( "panel", undefined, "Messages" );
dlg.msgPnl.titleSt = dlg.msgPnl.add( "statictext", undefined, "Alert box title:" );
dlg.msgPnl.titleEt = dlg.msgPnl.add( "edittext", undefined, "Sample Alert" );
dlg.msgPnl.msgSt = dlg.msgPnl.add( "statictext", undefined, "Alert message:" );
dlg.msgPnl.msgEt = dlg.msgPnl.add( "edittext", undefined, "<your message here>", { multiline: true } );


the creation property on the second EditText field, where multiline: true indicates a field in which a long text string can be entered. The text wraps to appear as multiple lines.


Allows the user to set a boolean state.

  • Set the text property to assign an identifying text string that appears next to the clickable box.

  • The user can click to select or deselect the box, which shows a checkmark when selected. The value is true when it is selected (checked) and false when it is not.

When you create a Checkbox, you can set its value property to specify its initial state and appearance.

// Add a checkbox to control the buttons that dismiss an alert box
dlg.hasBtnsCb = dlg.add( "checkbox", undefined, "Should there be alert buttons?" );
dlg.hasBtnsCb.value = true;


Allows the user to select one choice among several.

  • Set the text property to assign an identifying text string that appears next to the clickable button.

  • The value is true when the button is selected. The button shows the state in a platform-specific manner, with a filled or empty dot, for example.

You group a related set of radio buttons by creating all the related elements one after another. When any button’s value becomes true, the value of all other buttons in the group becomes false. When you create a group of radio buttons, you should set the state of one of them true:

var dlg = new Window( "dialog", "Alert Box Builder" );
dlg.alertBtnsPnl = dlg.add( "panel", undefined, "Button alignment" );
dlg.alertBtnsPnl.alignLeftRb = dlg.alertBtnsPnl.add( "radiobutton", undefined, "Left" );
dlg.alertBtnsPnl.alignCenterRb = dlg.alertBtnsPnl.add( "radiobutton", undefined, "Center" );
dlg.alertBtnsPnl.alignRightRb = dlg.alertBtnsPnl.add( "radiobutton", undefined, "Right" );
dlg.alertBtnsPnl.alignCenterRb.value = true;


Typically used to display the progress of a time-consuming operation. A colored bar covers a percentage of the area of the control, representing the percentage completion of the operation. The value property reflects and controls how much of the visible area is colored, relative to the maximum value (maxvalue). By default the range is 0 to 100, so the value = 50 when the operation is half done.


Typically used to select within a range of values. The slider is a horizontal bar with a draggable indicator, and you can click a point on the slider bar to jump the indicator to that location. The value property reflects and controls the position of the indicator, within the range determined by minvalue and maxvalue. By default the range is 0 to 100, so setting value = 50 moves the indicator to the middle of the bar.


Like a slider, the scrollbar is a bar with a draggable indicator. It also has “stepper” buttons at each end, that you can click to jump the indicator by the amount in the stepdelta property. If you click a point on the bar outside the indicator, the indicator jumps by the amount in the jumpdelta property.

You can create scrollbars with horizontal or vertical orientation; if width is greater than height, it is horizontal, otherwise it is vertical. Arguments to the add method that creates the scrollbar define values for the value, minvalue and maxvalue properties.

Scrollbars are often created with an associated EditText field to display the current value of the scrollbar, and to allow setting the scrollbar’s position to a specific value. This example creates a scrollbar with associated StaticText and EditText elements within a panel:

dlg.sizePnl = dlg.add( "panel", undefined, "Dimensions" );
dlg.sizePnl.widthSt = dlg.sizePnl.add( "statictext", undefined, "Width:" );
dlg.sizePnl.widthScrl = dlg.sizePnl.add( "scrollbar", undefined, 300, 300, 800 );
dlg.sizePnl.widthEt = dlg.sizePnl.add( "edittext" );

ListBox, DropDownList and TreeView

These controls display lists of items, which are represented by ListItem objects in the items property. You can access the items in this array using a 0-based index.

  • A ListBox control displays a list of choices. When you create the object, you specify whether it allows the user to select only one or multiple items. If a list contains more items than can be displayed in the available area, a scrollbar may appear that allows the user to scroll through all the list items. A list box can display items in multiple columns; see Creating multi-column lists.

  • A DropDownList control displays a single visible item. When you click the control, a list drops down and allows you to select one of the other items in the list. Drop-down lists can have nonselectable separator items for visually separating groups of related items, as in a menu.

  • A TreeView control is similar to a ListBox, except that the items can have child items. Items with children can be expanded or collapsed to show or hide the child items. Child items can in turn contain children.

  • The title property provides an optional label; the titleLayout property places the label with respect to the list.

You can specify the choice items on creation of the list object, or afterward using the list object’s add() method. You can remove items programmatically with the list object’s remove() and removeAll() methods.


Items added to or inserted into any type of list control are ListItem objects, with properties that can be manipulated from a script. ListItem elements can be of the following types:


The typical item in any type of list. It displays text or an image, and can be selected. To display an image, set the item object’s image property; Displaying images.


A separator is a nonselectable visual element in a drop-down list. Although it has a text property, the value is ignored, and the item is displayed as a horizontal line.


A displayable and selectable item in a TreeView control which can contain other ListItem objects, including other items of type node.


Runs a Flash movie within a ScriptUI window. Its control’s methods allow you to load a movie from an SWF file and control the playback. See FlashPlayer control functions.

You can also use the control object to communicate with the Flash application, calling ActionScript methods, and making JavaScript methods defined in your Adobe application script available to the Flash ActionScript code. See Calling ActionScript functions from a ScriptUI script.

The title property provides an optional label; the titleLayout property places the label with respect to the player.

Displaying images

You can display icon images in Image or IconButton controls, or display images in place of strings or in addition to strings as the selectable items in a Listbox or DropdownList control. In each case, the image is defined by setting the element’s image property. You can set it to a ScriptUIImage object; a named icon resource; a File object; or the pathname of a file containing the iconic image, or of an alias or shortcut to that file (see Specifying paths).

The image data for an icon can be in Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format, or in Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) format. See http://www.libpng.org and http://www.jpeg.org/ for detailed information on these formats.

You can set or reset the image property at any time to change the image displayed in the element.

The scripting environment can define icon resources, which are available to scripts by name. To specify an icon resource, set a control’s image property to the resource’s JavaScript name, or refer to the resource by name when creating the control. For example, to create a button with an application-defined icon resource:

myWin.upBtn = myWin.add ( "iconbutton", undefined, "SourceFolderIcon" );

Photoshop CC, for example, defines these icon resources:


If a script does not explicitly set the preferredSize or size property of an element that displays a icon image, the value of preferredSize is determined by the dimensions of the iconic image. If the size values are explicitly set to dimensions smaller than those of the actual image graphic, the displayed image is clipped. If they are set to dimensions larger than those of the image graphic, the displayed image is centered in the larger space. An image is never scaled to fit the available space.

Creating multi-column lists

In list controls (ListBox, DropDownList and TreeView), a set of ListItem objects represents the individual choices in the list. Each choice can be labeled with a localizable string, an image, or both, as specified by the text and image properties of the ListItem (see Displaying images).

You can define a ListBox to have multiple columns, by specifying the numberOfColumns creation parameter. By default, the number of columns is 1. If you specify multiple columns, you can also use the creation parameters to specify whether headers are shown, and the header text for each column.

If you specify more than one column, each ListItem object that you add to the box specifies one selectable row. The text and image of the ListItem object specifies the label in the first column, and the subitems property specifies labels that appear in that row for the remaining columns.

The subitems value is an array, whose length is one less than the number of columns. That is, the first member, ListItem.subitems[0], specifies the label in the second column. Each member specifies one label, as a JavaScript object with two properties:

{ text : displayString , image : imageFileReference }

For example, the following fragment defines a list box with two columns, and specifies the labels in each column for the two choices:

// create list box with two titled columns
var list = dlg.add ('ListBox', [0, 0, 150, 75], 'asd',
{numberOfColumns: 2, showHeaders: true,
columnTitles: ['First Name', 'Last Name']});
// add an item for the first row, with the label value for the first column
var item1 = list.add ('item', 'John');
// add the label value for the second column in that row.
item1.subItems[0].text = 'Doe';
// add an item for the second row, with the text for the first column label
var item2 = list.add ('item', 'Jane');
// add the label text and image for the second column in the second row
item2.subItems[0].text = 'Doe';
item2.subItems[0].image = File ("~/Desktop/Step1.png");

This creates a control that looks like this:

Multi-Column Lists

Notice that the columns have headers, and the label in the second column of the second row has both text and an image.

Prompts and alerts

Static functions on the Window class are globally available to display short messages in standard dialogs. The host application controls the appearance of these simple dialogs, so they are consistent with other alert and message boxes displayed by the application. You can often use these standard dialogs for simple interactions with your users, rather than designing special-purpose dialogs of your own. Use the static functions alert, confirm, and prompt on the Window class to invoke these dialogs with your own messages. You do not need to create a Window object to call these functions.